Anna Kendrick and Twitter: A Match Made In Comedy Heaven

No one does Twitter quite like Anna Kendrick. If you’re one of the 36-year-old Oscar-nominated star’s 7 million followers on the platform, you’d know that’s a fact. And even if you’re not, chances are you’ve come across a popular retweet from her account. Do a Google search of her funny Twitter posts and you’ll pull up entire compilations – some of them containing hundreds of tweets!

The Twilight actress’ mastery of the social media platform comes from an innate humor paired with a carefree attitude towards provocative content. Plus, she actually treats tweeting as a serious undertaking. Scroll for more.

Her Funny Posts

“The little girl with the wine stained teeth in this Game of Thrones episode is sooo creep-okay that’s a mirror.”

“My online shopping style: Put everything I like in the cart. Edit. Edit more. Edit until I’m down to one item. Decide it’s not even worth typing out my credit card info. Watch free porn”

“’Remember when we all pretended to like mushroom shavings that tasted like feet just bc they were expensive?’-everyone in ten years re: truffles”

These are just a few of Kendrick’s sidesplitting tweets, and there’s more where those came from!

Twitter Is Her Perfect Match

In an article on Fast Company, the Pitch Perfect alum said, “Sometimes when I try to make jokes or have a sense of humor in interviews, it doesn’t go over very well. But Twitter made my life easier in this way that I didn’t expect. It would have taken probably 10 times as long for people to accept my voice and my sense of humor if I didn’t have Twitter.”

In other words, Twitter and the naturally funny actress are a match made in comedy heaven!

A Hit With Followers

After joining the platform in July 2009, Kendrick used it to post about the usual stuff, like “TV appearances, impostor accounts, and requests for tech help.” Then in December 2011, she took a six-month break from the social media site. Her return marked the beginning of the witty and hilarious Twitter persona we know now.

What makes the Up in the Air actress’ Twitter account such a hit with followers and her humor so effective? She puts in a bit more work than you think.

Queen Of Twitter Humor

In her phone, Kendrick keeps a list of about a dozen potential tweets, “mostly jokes that made sense at 2 a.m.,” she says. When she started on Twitter, she was always scared of being offensive, so she would ask friends’ opinions about her jokes or “wait half an hour before posting to make sure it couldn’t be taken the wrong way.” A couple of years later (and up until now), Kendrick had turned into the queen of Twitter humor in our books, with such iconic tweets as “I know, I just DGAF” and more.

The Inquisitr


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