The ‘Euphoria’ Plot Twist We Didn’t See Coming

Zendaya's character faced tragedy on the season one finale of Euphoria.

Rue And Jules Planned To Run Away Together

Going into the finale episode of Euphoria season one, most fans expected to see Rue, played by Zendaya, and Jules, played by Hunter Schafer, run away together. However, as viewers now know, spoiler alert, that didn't happen. And instead, Zendaya's struggles with addiction began spiraling out of control in the most tragic of ways.

Rue Suffered A Drug Relapse On 'Euphoria'

After a failed plan to take her and Jules' relationship to the next level, Rue tragically relapsed after three months of sobriety.

From the looks of it, Zendaya's split from Jules really took a toll on her and the shock of leaving her as they planned to start a life together led her back to her life vice, which creator Sam Levinson once called his own.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Levinson explained his thought process while looking back at the season one plot twist.

Sam Levinson Wanted To Capture The True Essence Of Addiction

"I was writing as we were shooting, and I knew where Rue was headed and I knew what was going to happen, but it felt like in some ways seeing her relapse felt dark to me in a way that doesn’t fully encapsulate the cycle and the madness of addiction — how you’re thrown back into it and thrown out of it and it’s dizzying and at times beautiful but also really f-cking terrifying," Levinson, who struggled with his own addiction years ago, explained. "It just felt like that was the right decision emotionally for the piece, so I had written it in there and it came down to the planning and coordination of it."

The End Of 'Euphoria' Season 1 Was More Emotional Than Even The Creator Expected

During the interview, Levinson made it clear that Ryan Heffington was a big help when it came to bringing Rue's darkness to life with his choreography, which "is just absolutely magnificent and beautiful."

After giving a special credit to Heffington, Levinson went on to say that the end of the season moment in which Rue was seen by a mountain was even more emotional than he planned.

"I think the idea is in the back and forth of Rue getting shoved towards this mountain of bodies and the metaphor of that, and what it means to be an addict and also the people that we’ve lost to addiction and being pulled up that mountain. It came together in a way that was more emotional than I ever anticipated," he admitted.

The Inquisitr


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