NBA News: Gilbert Arenas Makes Bold Admission About LeBron James

For years, people have debated whether LeBron James is the greatest player in NBA history or not.

Some believe he'll never reach Michael Jordan's status because of his NBA Finals record, and others claim he's already the best to ever do it. In reality, there's no objective way of saying one or the other is right.

LeBron Has Never Chased Stats, Says Arenas

Notably, former All-Star Gilbert Arenas seems to think like the second group. In the latest edition of his podcast, Arenas lauded the Lakers star by claiming that he's the only player in NBA history who's never had a season of stat-padding:

“I said, ‘LeBron is probably the only player, the only superstar that never had that year,'” Arenas said “He never had that year where he says, ‘Eh, frick everybody. I’m trying to get my stats.’ Because I said, ‘If he ever did that, who’s stopping him?’ That man would average 40-something."He's Never Selfish

Arenas also explained that James has always been about winning a ring rather than leading the way on his own, which is why he's often involved in building his team's rosters:

"When LeBron stepped in, it was all about trying to win a championship," Arenas added. "Every year, trying to win a championship, so he’s been building the teams to try to win championships, so he’s never actually had a selfish year where he says, ‘I don’t need anybody. I want to show the world what I can do.'”James Is The Goat, Says Arenas

This isn't the first time that Arenas showers LeBron with praise. A couple of months ago, he claimed that James' determination to make the right play is what separates him from Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant:

"The reason I felt that LeBron is the GOAT is because during pressure times, he still makes the actual right decision vs. what us fans and the public wants him to do," Arenas said on his podcast. "That is what separates him from Jordan and Kobe, where if you give Jordan or Kobe those Cavs teams, they wouldn’t make the playoffs, and they wouldn’t make it to the championship. Jordan would just average 60 and say, ‘the hell with it’."LeBron Will Make More History

James is entering one of the pivotal seasons of his career. It's not like there's anything left to do to prove he's one of the all-time greats or cement his legacy, but the 2022-23 campaign will go down as perhaps the most iconic.

LeBron only needs to average around 16 points per game to top Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the league's leader in career points, and it would certainly be tough to leave him out of the top 2 after that milestone.

The Inquisitr


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