Joe Biden Could Use Donald Trump’s ‘Favorite Legal Theory’ To Erase His Legacy, Law Professor Says

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden smiles during the vice presidential debate at Centre College October 11, 2012 in Danville, Kentucky.

In a Thursday piece from Politico, law professor Ronald Krotoszynski suggested that President-elect Joe Biden could use the unitary executive theory — which Raw Story called the head of state’s “favorite legal theory” — to erase Donald Trump’s legacy in the government.

As the report noted, Trump’s administration will maintain power within various administrative agencies even after Biden is inaugurated in January. According to Politico, Biden could remove Trump’s remaining government legacy using the theory, which is notably supported by the president and Attorney General William Barr.

“Under this theory, President Biden would be constitutionally empowered to remove executive-branch personnel who are opposed to his administration’s policies and programs whether or not they hold a fixed term of office or enjoy statutory good-cause protection against removal.”

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