New Report Claims Coronavirus Is An ‘Unrestricted Bioweapon’

A new report from Dr. Li-Meng Yan claims that the coronavirus is an “unrestricted bioweapon.” 

Per National Pulse, the paper says that the coronavirus’ true nature — a bioweapon — is the reason that the world has been having a difficult time combating it.

“First, SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, is not a naturally occurring pathogen but an Unrestricted Bioweapon.”

The paper continues to claim that the virus was enhanced in the lab, which has made it difficult to control using the strategies commonly used for natural pathogens

The virus, the report said, was created by the CCP bioweapons program, which allegedly has connections to overseas researchers.


The CCP Is Accused Of A ‘Massive Misinformation Campaign’

The repot accused the CCP of undertaking a “massive misinformation campaign” to hide the origins of its purported bioweapon. According to the piece, the East Asia government destroyed samples and data and created fake studies that were published in prestigious journals.

“As a result of the CCP’s efforts here, the true, weaponized nature of SARS-CoV-2 has been obscured and was not known by most of the public,” the paper claimed.

The report highlighted criticism of Yan’s previous reports and linked them to the alleged misinformation campaign.


The CCP Is Accused Of Trying To Discredit Its Enemies

China's flag.

As reported by National Pulse, the paper claims that the misinformation campaign is being waged by the Chinese Communist Party to prevent the origins of the coronavirus being revealed. A part of this campaign is attacking China’s enemies.

“As a result of the CCP’s efforts here, the true, weaponized nature of SARS-CoV-2 has been obscured and was not known by most of the public,” the paper claimed.

According to National Pulse, individuals attempting to discredit Yan’s claims are linked to CCP “investment vehicles.”

The WHO Claims The Coronavirus Didn’t Come From A Lab

As reported by NPR,  a recent joint report from the World Health Organization and Beijing claimed that their investigation found it “extremely unlikely” that coronavirus originated in a Wuhan lab.

Still, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressed concern about the assessment and suggested that additional inquiries into the matter are needed to determine the origins of the pandemic.

China has pushed back against critics of the WHO report. Others, such as Jamie Metzl, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, have echoed Ghebreyesus and encouraged continued investigation into the matter.

Theories Continue To Swirl Around Coronavirus’ Origins

Theories have longed swirled around the origins of coronavirus. As The Inquisitr reported, biologist Bret Weinstein previously said that the virus likely originated in the lab and speculated that it was the result of gain of function research, which involves the enhancement of microorganisms and virus’ in a research setting.

Elsewhere, an American researcher who worked in the Wuhan Institute of Virology argued that it’s unlikely the virus escaped from the facility. 

Jonna Mazet, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Davis, pointed to the lab’s safety protocols to support her claims.

The Inquisitr


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