Wearing head-to-toe Demna Gvasalia Balenciaga outfits finally paid off for reality TV star turned business mogul Kim Kardashian. The fashion house unveiled the 41-year-old as the face of its brand on Feb. 1 alongside other famous names like Justin Bieber, and Isabelle Huppert. It was kind of obvious when Kim started wearing mainly Balenciaga outfits six months ago. If nothing gave it away, her iconic MET Gala head-to-toe incognito jersey dress turned meme should've been the hint. Anyways, congratulations to the new face of Balenciaga 2022.
Balenciaga made an informed creative decision to capture Kim (and her other signees) in her element. Let's look at the styles Kimmy wore for her grand announcement.
New Global AmbassadorBalenciaga unveiled Kim Kardashian in a black skintight long-sleeved top, matching leggings, and sock booties. The lime crocodile skin La Cagole shoulder bag serves as the only pop of color in this otherwise neutral set. In true Kim Kardashian-West style, the bag has a KKW monogrammed pouch which she displays as she takes a selfie.
She poses, half-sitting/half-lying on her minimalist white couch as she supports her weight with one hand on the chair and the other holding her phone.
Leopard Print KimCarrying another La Cagole Crocodile skin shoulder-bag (in black this time), Kim poses in a standing position. The business mogul wears a leopard print coat over an all-black inner outfit and knee-high boots.
She styles her black hair in a long braided ponytail, wears minimal makeup, and tugs gently at her ears to flaunt her perfectly manicured nails.
Step Into The MatrixKim Kardashian channels her inner Trinity meets Michelle Obama in this black coat and leggings boot style outfit. She covers her face with black Balenciaga shades and highlights her nude makeup with bold gold earrings. The reality TV sensation holds a white Balenciaga Hourglass tote in her left hand.
While this collaboration is a major win for Kim, there are whispers about a possible Conflict of Interest because Demna is involved with her estranged husband Ye (formerly known as Kanye West). He's a creative member of West's YZY GAP collaboration on behalf of the French fashion house.
Other Kim Kardashian-West X Balenciaga CollaborationsKim joins Justin Bieber, Isabelle Huppert, Tommy Blue, and Marie Agnes Diene in taking the French fashion house on a new journey of modern haute-couture and celebrity-worthy outfits.
Some of Kim X Balenciaga outings in 2021
Casual All-Black Kimmy
Pink Feather and Lycra
Pink Floral Body Suit
]]>The Inquisitr