Britney Spears turned to an unlikely source to help her cope with one of the more stressful aspects of celebrity: being interrogated by reporters.
When most people talk about relying on “a rock” to help them make it through difficult times, they’re talking about another person. However, according to Britney, actual rocks were her secret to maintaining her composure in tense situations. She also believes that rocks are a lot smarter than most people think.
Scroll on to see the rocky photo snapped by another celeb that made an appearance on Britney’s Instagram page.
Britney Has Always Been A Big Rock Fan
No, Britney’s fascination isn’t with The Rock pictured above, but with those that can be found anywhere on the ground. On Friday, she took to Instagram to regale her followers with a story about how she would wander away from her home as a child to go searching for rocks and crystals.
“My parents honestly thought it was weird that I’d disappear and they’d find me looking for rocks and crystals in people’s driveways,” she wrote.
Britney revealed that she now has “a beautiful collection” of 10 the masses of minerals, and she gives them “a lot of attention.”
The Celebrity Pic That Inspired Britney’s Rock Post
The photo Britney included in her rock post wasn’t one of her own, but one snapped by Lizzie McGuire star Hilary Duff. Hilary shared it on her Instagram page last April. It showed a circular arrangement of smooth pebbles around a few leaves and a pink rose. It’s possible that the flower caught Britney’s eye as well, considering how often the word “rose” appears in her Instagram posts.
According to Britney, her fondness for rocks used to help her deal with people that made her feel uncomfortable.
How Rocks Gave Britney Strength
Britney wrote that she feels “a sort of protection” from rocks, possibly because they are “so strong and solid.”
“I used to take the small ones with me when I was younger and hide them in my pockets … and if I was around anyone who gave me bad vibes I would hold it very tight !!!!” she wrote.
Britney revealed that she continued the practice of keeping rocks in her pockets up until she was about 24 years old. She wrote that the rocks gave her “more confidence and awareness in moments I wasn’t so sure about” when she was doing interviews.
Britney Has A Bit More To Say About Rocks
Rocks might be brainless, but Britney suggested that “they have a lot of intellect we don’t even know about.” She advised her followers to test their power themselves by grabbing one of their “favorite rocks” and allowing it to “guide your spirt.”
Britney’s Instagram followers seemed to find her passion for the oft-overlooked geological wonders both endearing and hilarious.
“I am absolutely guzzling rocks today,” quipped songwriter Phoebe Ryan, who co-wrote Britney’s 2016 song “Man on the Moon.”
“Girl I knew you were a good witch!!!! love you babe!!!” read another message.
“Hilary duff and Britney Spears in the same post!! My teenage dream came true!!!” added another fan.
Hilary seemed pretty chuffed to get a shout-out from Brit.
“I’m screaming ,” read her response.