Donald Trump May Reportedly Refuse To Leave White House, Adviser Says ‘He’s Throwing A F*cking Temper Tantrum’

Donald Trump stands outside the White Housel

Donald Trump is reportedly having a hard time coming to terms with the end of his presidency, with a new report claiming he has floated the idea of simply remaining in the White House after Joe Biden is sworn in as the next president.

The report from CNN outlined the efforts that those within Trump’s orbit have taken to secure pardons in the few weeks he has left in office before Inauguration Day. The outlet noted that amid the increased activity from allies and high-profile criminals to secure a pardon, Trump himself refuses to acknowledge that his time is coming to an end.

“In his moments of deepest denial, Trump has told some advisers that he will refuse to leave the White House on Inauguration Day, only to be walked down from that ledge. The possibility has alarmed some aides, but few believe Trump will actually follow through,” the report noted.

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