Donald Trump Slams ‘Stupid’ Mitch McConnell: ‘He Reminds Me Very Much Of Biden’

Former President Donald Trump delivers a speech.

In an interview that was broadcast on Wednesday, former President Donald Trump slammed Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

In a rare bipartisan victory earlier this month, Democrats and Republicans agreed on a massive $ 1.2 trillion infrastructure plan, which would not have happened without McConnell’s blessing.

According to Trump, however, McConnell made a "horrible miscalculation" by agreeing to support what is essentially a bad deal that might harm the GOP and help Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections.

Here’s what the former president said.

‘Stupid’ McConnell

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell prepares to deliver remarks.

Speaking with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, Trump described McConnell as a "stupid man" and claimed that he must be replaced as GOP leader.

"He reminds me very much of Biden," Trump said of McConnell, as reported by Newsmax.

"He wanted it to be bipartisan. People don’t care if it’s bipartisan. They want good deals. He got 19 people, including himself to vote and to give them a victory. They didn’t have a victory for a long time. They were dying at the border, dying in Afghanistan, they were dying all over the place, the Democrats. He wanted to give them a victory."

‘Hurting’ GOP

Trump stressed that McConnell and the senators who joined him in supporting the bipartisan infrastructure package are "hurting our party, very badly."

"Some of [the senators] are friends of mine. Those people have hurt their party very much, hurt their nation. They shouldn’t have done it, and they know it," he said.

Having passed the Senate, the bill is now in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, where it is expected to pass with bipartisan support.

Once President Joe Biden signs the infrastructure bill, Democrats will move to pass their ambitious $ 3.5 trillion budget plan.

Trump 2024

Trump and Bartiromoalso discussed the 2024 presidential election.

The host explicitly asked Trump whether he is thinking about running in 2024, but he dodged the question, saying he can’t answer it due to campaign finance laws.

"I can’t tell you. I can tell you this: I love our country. You are going to be very happy," he said.

Trump couldn’t resist taking aim at Biden, saying that the Democrat is "destroying our country" with his policies, ruining the economy and letting gas prices skyrocket, while mishandling foreign policy.

Trump Vs. Biden

Debate between former President Donald Trump and  President Joe Biden is seen on a screen.

In the 2020 election, Biden overwhelmingly won the popular vote and beat Trump in what was described as an electoral landslide.

Many Americans expect Trump to run in 2024. As Business Insider reported, a recent poll from Quinnipiac University found that 49 percent of Americans think he will launch another White House bid.

Seventy-three percent of Republican respondents in the poll said they think Trump running would be good for the country, while 95 percent of Democrats said it would be bad.

Notably, the survey also found that 54 percent of Americans think the 78-year-old Biden will not seek reelection.

The Inquisitr


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