Hillary Clinton ‘Seriously Mulling’ Another White House Bid, Writer Says

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke at the New York Democratic Convention Thursday, but her speech did not focus on politics in that state.

Instead, the former presidential candidate talked about national politics, taking jabs at the Republican Party, former President Donald Trump, and conservative media.

Some are interpreting this as yet another sign that Clinton is considering running for the White House in 2024.

Hillary Clinton 2024

New York Post writer Maureen Callahan argued in her latest column that Clinton is "seriously mulling a run in 2024."

"There’s simply no other way to interpret her speech at Thursday’s New York state Democratic Party Convention," Callahan wrote, noting that Clinton barely mentioned Gov. Kathy Hochul in her speech, focusing instead on the nation as a whole.

Clinton spoke about the state of the Democratic Party, the tensions between conservative and progressive Democrats, attacks on American democracy, Trump, and divisions within the American society.


Callahan slammed Clinton for criticizing divisiveness when she herself is one of the most divisive and controversial figures in American politics.

Thursday's speech, the writer continued, "should remind the Dems why Hillary lost not once but twice: She fails to inspire."

Callahan stressed that Clinton is not giving up on her dream to become president, and claimed that she is more than likely to run in 2024.

"Make no mistake: Hillary’s fighting for what she sees as her birthright, her fate, one she will not be denied. We’re all going to have to go through this again."Is Clinton Staging A Comeback?

In her speech, Callahan wrote, Clinton made it clear that the current leadership of the Democratic Party is incompetent.

At the same time, she took aim at left-wing figures such as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

"It was vintage Hillary Clinton, lacking in nuance, subtext or humility. Her easily decoded message: Biden’s old, confused and weak. Kamala’s a non-starter. Far-lefties like Bernie and Warren aren’t wanted. Who else ya got?" Callahan wrote.

"Hillary, after all, loves to cast herself as the only sane adult in the room. She fails to realize: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results," she added.

2024 Election

Trump has all but committed to running for president in 2024.

President Joe Biden has repeatedly said that he intends to run for reelection, but his approval rating has declined significantly in recent months.

However, as Business Insider reported, a recent AP-NORC poll found that a majority of Americans don't want to see either President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump on the ballot again.

The Inquisitr


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