Joe Biden Is Already More Popular Than Donald Trump Has Ever Been, Data Shows

President-elect Joe Biden addresses the media at the Queen Theater in Wilmington, Delaware.

President-elect Joe Biden is already more popular than President Donald Trump has ever been, according to CNN‘s polling expert Harry Enten.

In a Sunday op-ed, Enten pointed to a number of recent polls and analyzed publicly available data pertaining to Trump’s popularity.

For instance, in the latest Gallup poll, 55 percent of respondents said that they view Biden favorably, while 41 percent said the same of Trump, whose unfavorable rating was 15 percentage points higher than the Democrat’s.

Since 2015, Trump’s favorable rating has been relatively stable, but low, staying in the 30s and 40s. In fact, the commander-in-chief never exceeded 50 percent popularity in any survey, according to Enten.

Biden, however, has done that many times and he is about as well-liked as former President Barack Obama was at the beginning of his second term in the White House, the expert noted.

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