Justin Amash Slams Donald Trump Jr. For Touting His Father’s Foreign Policy Record

U.S. Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) holds a Town Hall Meeting on May 28, 2019 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Former Michigan Rep. Justin Amash took aim at Donald Trump Jr. on Friday evening for touting his father’s foreign policy accomplishments.

“Donald Trump is the first president in modern history did not start a new war,” Trump Jr. tweeted.

In response, Amash underlined the less impressive aspects of the president’s career.

“He just massively escalated existing ones, while working to conceal troop numbers, drone strikes, and civilian casualties from the public. What a guy!”

Amash continued to highlight various reports on the former commander-in-chief’s foreign policy record. Notably, Forbes pointed to U.S. Air Forces Central Command data that found that 2019 was a record year for the number of bombs the United States dropped on Afghanistan. Notably, both manned and unmanned coalition aircraft munitions and sorties that were flown by strike aircraft increased from 2018 to 2019

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