Mom Accused of Living With Dead Child in Houston For Months

In an update on a previous story of a mother charged in Houston, we have now learned that Gloria Williams lived with her dead child for months before being detected by police reports the New York Post.

The mother, 35-year-old Gloria Williams, lived with her eight-year-old son and three other children. The eight-year-old had been decomposing for months. She is also being accused of locking up three other children with the dead boy according to the latest reports.

Gloria Williams Living Conditions

Gloria Williams has made her first appearance to face charges of injury to a child by omission, and tampering with evidence. Her boyfriend, 31-year-old Brian Coulter has been charged with beating the eight-year-old to death in 2020 “around Thanksgiving” reports the New York Post.

The deceased child’s name is Kendrick Lee. The three remaining children lived in their Houston apartment alone, with paid rent and some food. However, when found, the children appeared malnourished. The children were 15, 9, and 7.

The couple reportedly lived in the apartment with the dead child until March.

Oldest Child Turns Mother In

Each of the children has a different father. They lived with their mother and dead brother in the apartment for almost one year, reportedly locked in a room with him.

The couple, Gloria and Brian, moved out in March but maintained the rent on the apartment in order to avoid detection. The New York Post reports that groceries were sent to the apartment monthly.

The 15-year-old turned the mother in by calling 9-1-1 Oct. 24 and telling dispatchers that he and his siblings were living with a deceased male who he called his brother.

Authorities Find the Children

When the authorities found the children, only the 10 and seven-year-old were at home. The homes was described as “deplorable” by the New York Post and did not have electricity.

They were also hungry, and had “visible physical injuries.” Gloria Williams was arrested on the same day as that 9-1-1 call. The surviving children are now with Child Protective Services.

Brian Coulter is facing 99 years to life without parole if he is convicted of murder. His bond has been set at $ 1 million.

What the Children Saw

The children have made statements to the police, which were read at Coulter’s arraignment. The prosecutor read that the siblings had witnessed Brian Coulter beat their eight-year-old brother to death. The children told the police that they saw Kendrick being punched repeatedly, in the face and in the back. After they thought he had gone unconscious, they put a blanket on him. They told the police that the child had kept kicking, but otherwise was not moving.

Williams maintains her innocence and says that she would check in on the kids every two weeks. The grandmother to the seven-year-old said that she wished she had adopted him, or, “held onto him” reports the New York Post.

KHOU reports that Gloria Williams has apologized from jail but also said, “I didn’t do it.”

When a KHOU reporter asked her if she knew Kendrick Lee was dead, she answered, “No.”

Gloria Williams has been having a difficult time getting an attorney, but now has a court-appointed attorney. Her bond has been set at $ 900,000.

The Inquisitr


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