Tara Lipinksi Gets Candid About Endometriosis Struggles

It's World Endometriosis Awareness Month, and ex-Olympic Skier Tara Lipinski joined many women worldwide to draw attention to the situation. In 2020, she underwent laparoscopic surgery to remove her endometriosis after dealing with on/off intensified pain.

Tara shared her journey with her half a million-plus followers via Instagram stories as a way to encourage other women going through the same pain, letting them know they weren't alone. She wrote a lengthy note on her post addressing the lack of awareness despite the illness' popularity,

"I’d never heard another woman mention ‘endo’ or the complications and pain that accompany it. That definitely shows the lack of information that’s out there and the comfort level that affected women have discussing their endometriosis.”Raising Awareness For Endometriosis

Almost two years later, Tara reminisces on the ordeal and shines a light once again, saying she never wants to forget about those still dealing with the illness even though her scars are tiny now. Here's what she had to say,

"My scars are tiny now. My 2020 surgery was successful and in the past. And sometimes I start to forget but not really. There are always reminders, uncertainty and what ifs. I never want to forget about my Endo sisters that are currently in pain or the women desperately searching for an answer, diagnosis and relief from this devastating disease."Ask Questions!

The 39-year-old lamented the lack of adequate research and funding allocated to the disease, even though it takes about a decade to diagnose. Meaning it might be too late when a patient discovers its existence. So, she suggests routine check-ups, especially when you notice its symptoms.

"Get that 2nd opinion…or 3rd or 4th! There is NOT enough awareness and education surrounding Endometriosis." Immediate Treatment Saves Lives "If Endometriosis is suspected, please seek out an excision surgeon (cutting OUT the disease) who has extensive experience."

Tara's advice is to cut off the root cause immediately you notice its existence. She, however, adds a disclaimer warning readers to seek professionals with years of experience only.

Keep The Conversation Going

The Olympian's final note was a reminder to keep the conversation going. The more people talk about it, the higher the awareness.

"Endo can have an agonizing impact on almost every aspect of a sufferer’s life. Please talk openly and loudly about ENDO. This is a conversation women should never stop having. We should not stop demanding proper care and treatment. To all my Endo sisters…I’m always here for you 💛." ]]>
The Inquisitr


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