The Unsolved Murder Of Megan Curl

Megan Curl never had an easy life, but she was getting settled on her own and trying to make the most out of her situation.

Unfortunately, Curl, 26, never got the chance to excel in life when she was murdered at her apartment in Lufkin, Texas.

Curl Had A Learning Disability That Made Her Vulnerable

In first grade, Curl was diagnosed as special needs and her mother said other children often picked on and made fun of her. They moved around a lot, but she and her family finally settled in Lufkin when she was in high school.

When she was eighteen, Curl married and moved to Arkansas. But she was in an abusive marriage, so she left and returned to Lufkin and insisted on getting her own apartment. Her mother said Megan was overly trusting, which make her vulnerable.

Curl Went To Local Night Clubs And May Have Met Her Killer There

Curl liked to go out dancing at nightclubs in Lufkin, and police suspect that a man she met at one could be the one ultimately responsible for her murder.

On the night of March 25, 2000, she went to a local nightclub called the Electric Cowboy as she did often. Witnesses saw her talking with an unidentified man who brought her two drinks, but Curl was asked to leave because of her "provocative" dancing.

She and a man reportedly left together and went to another club called the Sports Shack. She arrived home around 1:30 a.m., and her friend and neighbor Tonia went over to hear about her night.

Tonia said she and Megan were standing outside on the balcony talking when a man sped up to the building. Curl thought it was a friend of hers from the club, so she went down to him and got into the car. She went back into her apartment and when she came back out, the car was still there, but Megan and the man were no longer inside the vehicle.

Curl's Neighbor Called 911 When They Saw Flames

At around 2:20 a.m., Tonia went to Megan’s apartment to check on her and the man was still there. She said that he was her friend from the club and that she was okay, so Tonia said goodnight and left.

This was the last time Curl was seen alive. At around 4 a.m., Curl's neighbors called 911 after seeing flames inside her apartment. Firefighters arrived and discovered a fire on Curl's bed, when they put out the blaze they discovered Megan's body was tied to her bed. The body was charred beyond recognition and had to be identified by dental records. Her throat had been slashed to the bone and a plastic bag had been placed over her head.

Police Believe The Man From The Club Killed Curl

Authorities believe Curl was killed by the man who Tonia saw her with earlier that night, but he has never been identified.

Curl's past lovers were questioned, but none of them are considered suspects. The main suspect in the case is a white male with blond hair, a light mustache, and gold-rimmed glasses, and would now be in his forties.

Police also want to speak to the man they said was buying Megan drinks at the club, though they do not think this man is a person of interest in the case.

The Suspect Has Never Been Identified

Curl's ex-boyfriend, Tim Purvis, was considered a suspect in her murder because she testified about him being abusive which led to his parole being revoked.

Purvis was released from prison about one week prior to her murder, but he had an alibi for that night. Purvis later died in an accident in 2003.

The Inquisitr


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